Feb 21, 2023 2:48 PM

Bitcoin Bull Run is coming! 做多

Bitcoin / United States DollarCoinbase


That got your attention, didn't it?

While it IS coming, we don't mean right now this week.

This sort of post always gets people's attention. There are lots of them like it at present, and we are all only human.

It is very difficult to ignore visual stimulus like this, but you simply have to if you are going to survive in the trading world.

The world was full of FUD and negative posts when BTC was 16k. How strange!

The influencers simply reinforce whatever belief they think you have. At the bottom you were miserable and so they told you it was "all over for bitcoin" (thanks Carl). Now you are happy and they are feeding THAT feeling instead.

They just want you to trade. If you make accounts and trade, they make money!

Myself and @Mayfair_Ventures have predicted almost all of this.

Look here

This is Lewis's series of predictions. All drawn from logic and not cherry picked. We don't take videos and ideas down, so you can browse any of them.

Please just listen to logic. Follow @Mayfair_Ventures as well if you haven't already.

He will comment on Bitcoin later. Have a read when he does, but buying it here will NOT be what he recommends...

Thank you Paul, So after doing 30 day and now 1 yr sub , I love these posts ,they keep me cautiously optimistic on current moves
@Bcoinguy, This is all a good sign, we just think there is more to play out. Thank you for subscribing and recommending us. We use logic.
@Paul_Varcoe, Liver next ???
A bit like Las Vegas - when to stop?
THAT is what peeps do not see.
We know it's going to go up. I think late summer in a gentle way and as we get to the autumn a bit more power.
BUT, we do not know how the price of ‘Energy’ worldwide will impact on peoples liquidity. And that is only one factor. You & Lewis come from the same school as me,,,,there is always more hidden away.

IMO – it’s going to be slow and painful. It (bull run) will not happen fast
Paul - as soon as I saw the headline, I sold my other kidney. Now, I am on life support because you 'sold' me the story. I SHOULD HAVE DONE RESEARCH FIRST. Instead, I just jumped in....not helped by maxing out all my credit cards and taking a 4th loan against my garden shed. Shame on you for being like Moon Boi twats. ;-) But, having said the above (JOKE to non British people) - I agree - it is easy to become a sucker - a mindless idiot who follows like a sheep. 1984 - in The boss said 'Don't be a sheep, think before you leap' (another one said - 'Don't give me long excuses for failure, I want short explanations of success' God, I loved the 80's in London
@esorlegin, True kidney selling mania. Well done
Thanks for sharing, Paul.