May 20, 2018 5:18 PM

The AI trading path for Bitcoin  

Bitcoin / DollarBitfinex


For those who think 5 eliot waves are over, we are still on the way to make the fifth wave. The biggest buyers and sellers use AI Bots for trading their Bitcoins, and this figure shows the path for AIs. Following Bitcoin news and wrong analysis, can only change this path temporarily, but bitcoin will return to this path again. So there will be no dramatic rise to 20000 $ or fall to 4000 $ so soon, the movement of bitcoin will be ''boring'' and difficult for the next 2 or 3 weeks.
It's surprising something like this would get 13k views. How did you come to the conclusion that the biggest traders use AI bots for trading? How did you come to the conclusion that your path was the "AI" path?

Furthermore, there is not enough price data on bitcoin for AI trading right now. If you have a good answer for all my questions, I will re-evaluate my statement that this answer could be bs.

Interesting idea but I got triggered by the AI thing.
@Xzhi, Do u have 24 h time to trade , dont u sleep ? Who is going to find the next 5m or 30m or 1H or 2H,... overvalue or undervalue bitcoin price for u then ? Who is going to trade for your 100 bitcoins when I can make more profit on my 5 bitcoins with a good and fast AI ? Do u know how an AI works ? do you know for how many years people use them ? Where this big sells or buys comes when they are not on the line of trade ???
a big seller ? that japanese guy ? news ? why in a very good news bitcoin price fall then ? why when every one says bitcoin to 5000 it will jump ? u did it ? people which they scare that moment did that ? emotions ?
have you ever program an AI ?oh I did , I don't answer you , you answer me ? about my Idea only time is matter .
@HamidFarhadi, Have I ever programmed AI? No, but I have talked with people who have been trying to solve GO and they have explained AI in a clear matter. I have seen the GO code and I know that they feed MASSIVE amounts of data into the program. If they cannot even solve GO, HOW THE F will they be able to trade bitcoin?
@HamidFarhadi, After reading my previous comment, it was pretty offensive. Hope we can end this here and good luck on your future trades.
@Xzhi, If you even put a simple AI programde by Daily RSI, sell over 70 , buy under 20 , you will see Im right about the right moment to have a good profit , this path is not a simple Idia which I made of my self , this is based on all indicators and history price and diffrent scales of bitcoin price , whish u luck too ;)
@Xzhi, maybe I dont get many likes becouse I dont tell bitcoin to moon or hell and dont want to be this fake acounts here which give fake hype and fear to people to cut the price before there targets and Im tired of this behave
5 lower than 3 in eliot waves? man get real
@thevenox33, 5 Will be broken by AI
@HamidFarhadi, Thank you, Mr Farhadi
@thevenox33, BTC has printed quite a few truncated 5ths in the past few months though.