
BTC - The bear market might last a lot longer than people think

unaveragejoe 已更新   
Here I lay out a case for a prolonged bear market.

The MACD cross predictions are based off support/resistance lines and the pattern from the bubble pop in 2014.

The 50 and 100 day moving averages will be huge resistances.

The area highlighted in light blue is a place I may start taking nibbles of BTC.

Also notice how high the volume is right now. Usually when the trend reverses we see very low volume for a prolonged amount of time.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that the BTC bear market could last into Q1/Q2 2019.

My opinion is that calling a bottom is far too premature. Crypto bear markets tend to last much longer.
This analysis Seema on point to me. www.ccn.com/bitcoin-...recover-analyst/amp/
