Feb 14, 2018 4:47 AM

ELF was my first pick for IDC.INC 做多

aelf / BitcoinBinance


I eyeballed and started doing research on this coin just before its first big rise of ~125% at around January 15th 2018. We missed out on the big gains at that point as we followed the coin and did research into the project. At IDC Inc. we are starting to take a sizeable position at this level, hoping it doesn't go up too fast before we're able to pick up more while it's still so undervalued.

ELF seeks to be a Decentralized Cloud Computing Blockchain Network, with lead investors such as ALPHABIT "one of the biggest names in Crypto". According to PRNEWSWIRE.COM

The CEO of ALPHABIT was quoted with this as his statement about the project. "I think we are witnessing a turning point in the Blockchain industry," Roberston said.
"AELF is a new generation of scalable Blockchain computing network, using multi-chain structure and parallel processing to solve issues around efficiency, transaction throughput, and governance."
He added: "I think this is the perfect storm of high efficiency, flexibility, adaptability, and compatibility - one Blockchain to bind them, one chain to rule them all, so to speak."
