Ethereum Support — Buy Now or Wait for Lower Prices?

In the likelihood of a big S&P correction, other markets, including IWM, DJIA, will follow. This will effect the economy as a whole including Ethereum, which might end up dampening the ever-exploding coin market, thereby leading to a decrease in the Quantity Demanded of ETH, thereby leading to a drop in price of ETH.

S & P Buy Limit 2450

That might not happen. But in any case, ETH has major support at $520
ETHUSD - Support at $520

So should you buy at $520 or wait for lower prices?

In the past, demand exceeded supply in a very big way at $400 and $310 — key support levels. If price goes there, buy again. Don't sell. I will not cash out ETH purchased at $520 at lower prices. I might, under certain circumstances, use it to trade for a better opportunity (EOS now) but I will not sell it for USD.

Everything is an opportunity.

Always make sure that you have enough money for that next, lower price opportunity. Whales are your friend, save your money for them. Double down at 520. Triple down at 410. Quadruple down at 300. 10 ETH at 520 is 5200, but at $300 each, that's only $3000 — cheap. Make sure to save enough money to have the chance to buy Ether at $410 and even $310. Don't be left holding the bag with all the ETH you could afford at $520. And don't miss out on buying Ether at $520 because you thought that it would go even lower.

523 — BUY
401 — BUY
310 — BUY

Everything on the chart is an opportunity.

And when it turns upwards, I'll have some nice charts with sell levels. Until then, I'm doing the opposite of everyone else. I'm buying in a seller's market.
Pivot PointsSupply and DemandTrend Analysis
