May 27, 2017 9:29 AM

LTC bubble has popped; #REKT left and right. Sub $10 coming. 做空


I hope everyone took my last advice and shorted/sold all his litecoins.
The bubble has popped; the token is back to its useless-status. It's currently trading below $20.
The fact that it didn't pump during this year's LAST mega-rally was an obvious sign that it would not shine anymore.

LTC is almost trading below 0.01 BTC again, from a previous high of 0.024 earlier this year.

I expect LTC to trade below $10 by mid-June 2017.

Anyone who thinks LTC will rally again or ever be worth above $25 again is delusional. This was the last pump in Litecoin's existence and it merely served to acquire bitcoins for the rally to $2800. And now both are crashing, but this pump-n-dump coin even more so (and rightfully so).

I hope you didn't buy above current rate because chances are you will never make it back. LTC is known as a shitcoin because of its complete uselesness. LTC having segwit won't make a difference for its price.

You have been warned.

Great regards,

Man, you are contradicting your own statement in your recent post. Here you have mentioned "above $25 again is delusional" and right now, its trading at $25.211. You have a new post stating that its another rally while here you have mentioned "Anyone who thinks LTC 0.46% will rally again or ever" . How can we trust your postings then, if within a span of few days, you will be saying exact opposite things?

Though, no doubt, I love your charts. :)
@stu1795, totally agree. That's a bit ill behavior. :)