SPX'S Last man standing :-)

This is the last down sloping trend line, we need to have clear break out retest it and then go up far a way from it to confirm a valid break out. Going back
again below the trend line means this is a fake break out . Many indicators as we have suggested last Friday are suggestion a trough of some sort whether
a major one for anew ATH, or reasonable one for another leg down !!!
First rejection is okay, much better than fake break out and coming back again below the trend line. Second rejection might also be excepted , not third though. Remember guys, we need to have higher lows to confirm a change in direction !
2ed Rejection is confirmed, better not have a 3ed one for bulls.
Last man standing has fallen with ONE big gap.
SPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis
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