UNG- Buy at a Bottom

As shown on the 4H chart, UNG has been trending down albeit with a triple top in April

and a head and shoulders in early May. It is presently at the bottom of the long term volume

profile and two standard deviations below the running mean anchored VWAP. This is

deep undervalued territory. On the MACD indicator, the K and D lines intersecting while under

the histogram which is positive portrays an early entry signal. I believe that it is inevitable

that UNG will have an uptrend in June as it did in April and May. The uptrends had a slope

of about 1.5-3% per day while underway. I will take a long trade in UNG and potentially BOIL

while leveraging XNGUSD on forex. For UNG, the targets are the POC line of the volume profile,

and mean VWAP , the final target is one standard deviation above VWAP while the stop loss

is three standard deviations below VWAP ( thin green line).
anchoredvwapBOILDouble Top or BottomHead and ShouldersKOLDOscillatorsUNGUNLvwapbandsxngusd
