High and Lows

Simple script that overlays the previous daily/weekly/monthly highs and lows

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//Created by Lachlan Smith 31/03/15 
//Daily/Weekly/Monthly High and Lows 
study(title="High and Lows", shorttitle="H&Ls", overlay=true) 
disDaily = input(true, title="Show Daily High & Lows?")
disWeekly = input(false, title="Show Weekly High & Lows?")
disMonthly = input(false, title="Show Monthly High & Lows?")

//Data setup
dHigh = security(tickerid, 'D', high[1]) 
dLow = security(tickerid, 'D', low[1]) 
wHigh = security(tickerid, 'W', high[1]) 
wLow = security(tickerid, 'W', low[1]) 
mHigh = security(tickerid, 'M', high[1])
mLow = security(tickerid, 'M', low[1]) 

plot(disDaily and dHigh ? dHigh : na, title="Daily High",style=cross, color=black,linewidth=1, trackprice = true) 
plot(disDaily and dLow ? dLow : na, title="Daily Low",style=cross, color=black,linewidth=1, trackprice = true) 
plot(disWeekly and wHigh ? dHigh : na, title="Weekly High",style=cross, color=silver,linewidth=1, trackprice = true) 
plot(disWeekly and wLow ? dLow : na, title="Weekly Low",style=cross, color=silver,linewidth=1, trackprice = true)  
plot(disMonthly and mHigh ? dHigh : na, title="Monthly High",style=cross, color=silver,linewidth=1, trackprice = true) 
plot(disMonthly and mLow ? dLow : na, title="Monthly Low",style=cross, color=silver,linewidth=1, trackprice = true)