
Library "ta"
Collection of all custom and enhanced TA indicators

ma(source, maType, length)
  returns custom moving averages
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
  Returns: moving average for the given type and length

atr(maType, length)
  returns ATR with custom moving average
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
  Returns: ATR for the given moving average type and length

atrpercent(maType, length)
  returns ATR as percentage of close price
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
  Returns: ATR as percentage of close price for the given moving average type and length

bb(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky)
  returns Bollinger band for custom moving average
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
    multiplier (float): Standard Deviation multiplier
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Bollinger band with custom moving average for given source, length and multiplier

bbw(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky)
  returns Bollinger bandwidth for custom moving average
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
    multiplier (float): Standard Deviation multiplier
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Bollinger Bandwidth for custom moving average for given source, length and multiplier

bpercentb(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky)
  returns Bollinger Percent B for custom moving average
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
    multiplier (float): Standard Deviation multiplier
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Bollinger Percent B for custom moving average for given source, length and multiplier

kc(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky)
  returns Keltner Channel for custom moving average
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
    multiplier (float): Standard Deviation multiplier
    useTrueRange (simple bool): - if set to false, uses high-low.
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Keltner Channel for custom moving average for given souce, length and multiplier

kcw(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky)
  returns Keltner Channel Width with custom moving average
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
    multiplier (float): Standard Deviation multiplier
    useTrueRange (simple bool): - if set to false, uses high-low.
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Keltner Channel Width for custom moving average

kpercentk(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky)
  returns Keltner Channel Percent K Width with custom moving average
    source (float): Moving Average Source
    maType (simple string): Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    length (simple int): Moving Average Length
    multiplier (float): Standard Deviation multiplier
    useTrueRange (simple bool): - if set to false, uses high-low.
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Keltner Percent K for given moving average, source, length and multiplier

dc(length, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, sticky)
  returns Custom Donchian Channel
    length (simple int): - donchian channel length
    useAlternateSource (simple bool): - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
    alternateSource (float): - Custom source
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Donchian channel

dcw(length, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, sticky)
  returns Donchian Channel Width
    length (simple int): - donchian channel length
    useAlternateSource (simple bool): - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
    alternateSource (float): - Custom source
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Donchian channel width

dpercentd(length, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, sticky)
  returns Donchian Channel Percent of price
    length (simple int): - donchian channel length
    useAlternateSource (simple bool): - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
    alternateSource (float): - Custom source
    sticky (simple bool): - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
  Returns: Donchian channel Percent D

oscillatorRange(source, method, highlowLength, rangeLength, sticky)
  oscillatorRange - returns Custom overbought/oversold areas for an oscillator input
    source (float): - Osillator source such as RSI, COG etc.
    method (simple string): - Valid values for method are : sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    highlowLength (simple int): - length on which highlow of the oscillator is calculated
    rangeLength (simple int): - length used for calculating oversold/overbought range - usually same as oscillator length
    sticky (simple bool): - overbought, oversold levels won't change unless crossed
  Returns: Dynamic overbought and oversold range for oscillator input

oscillator(type, length, shortLength, longLength, source, highSource, lowSource, method, highlowLength, sticky)
  oscillator - returns Choice of oscillator with custom overbought/oversold range
    type (simple string): - oscillator type. Valid values : cci, cmo, cog, mfi, roc, rsi, stoch, tsi, wpr
    length (simple int): - Oscillator length - not used for TSI
    shortLength (simple int): - shortLength only used for TSI
    longLength (simple int): - longLength only used for TSI
    source (float): - custom source if required
    highSource (float): - custom high source for stochastic oscillator
    lowSource (float): - custom low source for stochastic oscillator
    method (simple string): - Valid values for method are : sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
    highlowLength (simple int): - length on which highlow of the oscillator is calculated
    sticky (simple bool): - overbought, oversold levels won't change unless crossed
  Returns: Oscillator value along with dynamic overbought and oversold range for oscillator input
