
[RS]JR Moving Average System V1.b

update: changes to code, ma's now split over 3 sets fast, medium and slow, removed cloud and sl_lines(no use?), ma's visually display as shapes :p added option to toggle the ma's on/off.

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study(title="[RS]JR Moving Average System V1.b", shorttitle="[RS]JR.MAS.V1b", overlay=true)

//  ||---   Median Line.
median = sma(hl2, input(1))
//  ||---   Fast MA's
fastmas = input(2)
fastma1 = wma(open, fastmas)
fastma2 = ema(open, fastmas)
//  ||---   Medium MA's
mediummas = input(8)
mediumma1 = wma(open, mediummas)
mediumma2 = ema(open, mediummas)
//  ||---   Slow MA's
slowmas = input(32)
slowma1 = wma(open, slowmas)
slowma2 = ema(open, slowmas)
//  ||---
hidemediumline = input(false)
risingmediumma1 = mediumma1 > mediumma1[1] and mediumma2 > mediumma2[1] ? mediumma1 : na
risingmediumma1color = risingmediumma1 ? green : na
plotshape(hidemediumline ? na : risingmediumma1, style=shape.triangleup, color=risingmediumma1color, location=location.absolute)

fallingmediumma1 = mediumma1 < mediumma1[1] and mediumma2 < mediumma2[1] ? mediumma1 : na
fallingmediumma1color = fallingmediumma1 ? maroon : na
plotshape(hidemediumline ? na : fallingmediumma1, style=shape.triangledown, color=fallingmediumma1color, location=location.absolute)
//  ||---
hideslowline = input(false)
risingslowma1 = slowma1 > slowma1[1] and slowma2 > slowma2[1] ? slowma1 : na
risingslowma1color = risingslowma1 ? green : na
plotshape(hideslowline ? na : risingslowma1, style=shape.triangleup, color=risingslowma1color, location=location.absolute)

fallingslowma1 = slowma1 < slowma1[1] and slowma2 < slowma2[1] ? slowma1 : na
fallingslowma1color = fallingslowma1 ? maroon : na
plotshape(hideslowline ? na : fallingslowma1, style=shape.triangledown, color=fallingslowma1color, location=location.absolute)
ma1color= fastma1 > fastma1[1] and fastma2 > fastma2[1] ? green : 
        fastma1 < fastma1[1] and fastma2 < fastma2[1] ? maroon : gray
plot(median, color=black)
//plotshape(fastma1, style=shape.diamond, color=ma1color, location=location.absolute)
//plot(ma2, color=silver)

condition = median >= fastma1 and fastma1 >= fastma2 ? (close >= open ? lime : green) :
        median <= fastma1 and fastma1 <= fastma2 ? (close >= open ? red : maroon) :
        median >= mediumma1 and mediumma1 >= mediumma2 ? (close >= open ? lime : green) :
        median <= mediumma1 and mediumma1 <= mediumma2 ? (close >= open ? red : maroon) :
        (close >= open ? silver : gray)


//  ||---   Crossovers
buyx1 = cross(median,fastma1) and median >= median[1] ? true : false
sellx1 = cross(median,fastma1) and median <= median[1] ? true : false
plotshape(buyx1, style=shape.arrowup, color=green, location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(sellx1, style=shape.arrowdown, color=maroon, location=location.abovebar)