
TheLark LMA (Laguerre) v2 - multi timeframe

What's new?
v2 has added multi timeframe support.
Blatantly stole Chris Moody's code for multi timeframe, because why re-invent the wheel? Thanks Chris ;P
BUT -- modified the coloring to work correctly with higher timeframes, just another Lark hack, so it's a give and take :)
The Laguerre Average (filter) was discovered by John Ehlers.
It's a newer type of averaging that is meant to take out as much of the
inherent lag that your typical EMA and SMA's give at the start of a major trend change.
So what you get is an average that turns more quickly at major trend changes,
and doesn't get tripped up on the noise (as much).
Please thumbs up/ star/ whatever this script if you like it & use it!
See my profile for more scripts, & be sure to follow for future releases.
Sorry for my hiatus, extremely busy these days working on both my own and client work.
This script was a user request.

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study(title = "TheLark LMA v2 (Laguerre)", shorttitle="TheLark LMAv2", overlay=true)

//                                             //
//         LAGUERRE MA v2 BY THELARK           //
//                 ~ 3-4-15 ~                  //
//                                             //
//                     •/•                     //
//                                             //
//    //
//                                             //

// The Laguerre Average (filter) was discovered by John Ehlers.
// It's a newer type of averaging that is meant to take out as much of the
// inherent lag that your typical EMA and SMA's give at the start of a major trend change.
// So what you get is an average that turns more quickly at major trend changes,
// and doesn't get tripped up on the noise (as much). 
// V2 has added multi timeframe support.
// Blatantly stole Chris Moody's code for multi timeframe, because why re-invent the wheel? Thanks Chris ;P
// BUT -- modified the coloring to work correctly with higher timeframes, just another Lark hack, so it's a give and take :)

p = hl2
Gamma = input(0.77)
useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?")
resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? (Uncheck Box Above).", type=resolution, defval="D")
res = useCurrentRes ? period : resCustom
sd = input(true, title="Show dots?")
ccol = input(true,title="Change Color?")
lag(g) =>
    L0 = (1 - g)*p+g*nz(L0[1])
    L1 = -g*L0+nz(L0[1])+g*nz(L1[1])
    L2 = -g*L1+nz(L1[1])+g*nz(L2[1])
    L3 = -g*L2+nz(L2[1])+g*nz(L3[1])
    f = (L0 + 2*L1 + 2*L2 + L3)/6
lma = security(tickerid, res, lag(Gamma))
//col = ccol ? (lma > lma[1]?1:2):2
col = ccol ? ( lma == lma[1] and col[1] == 1 ? 1 : lma == lma[1] and col[1] == 2 ? 2 : lma > lma[1] ? 1 : 2) : 2
col2 = col < 2 ? #0094FF : #FF3571
up = col < col[1] ? 1 : 0
down = col > col[1] ? 1 : 0
plot(sd and cross(up,down) ? lma : na,style=circles, linewidth=4, color=col2 )