The "Median PE Ratio and Intrinsic Value" indicator is designed for traders and investors who wish to evaluate the intrinsic value of a stock based on a comparative analysis of Price-to-Earnings (PE) ratios across multiple stocks. This tool not only provides insights into whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued but also allows you to visualize the intrinsic...
This indicator will tell you whether the security you are looking at is overvalued or undervalued using a company's total assets and their market cap. In theory, a company's total assets is everything that they own, which then should technically be how much the company is worth. Therefore, if the company's market cap is higher than their total assets, the...
Net current asset value per share (NCAVPS) is a measure created by Benjamin Graham as one means of gauging the attractiveness of a stock. A key metric for value investors, NCAVPS is calculated by taking a company's current assets and subtracting total liabilities. NCAVPS = Current Assets - (Total Liabilities + Preferred Stock) ÷ Shares Outstanding. According to...
I "applied" the dividend yield on the original library script which I adding 2 Exponential Moving Average. That is average the Long term of Dividend Yield and Short Term of Dividend Yield. To estimate the Trend that "Is it worth to invest this stock right now?" If the dividend yield right now is higher than both maybe it worth it on the past (You can used...