
AEX daytimeframe february - july compare to FTSE index


If we look at the AEX we are seeing an uptrend, but if we look at the FTSE, we are seeing an breaking-out above the upward trendline. If we look at the RSI index we are seeing an really long trend the last time above our upper band. If we look at the MACD we have some pression the last semair.
If are looking aging at our stockimage in the bollinger bands there could come some moment were the MA will cross under the basis line of the Bollinger bands. This means that there could be some pression what can results in a downtrend.

Also Bloomberg has been uploaded some content about the bad politic situation in the UK when the prime minister is getting out. This can also result in a shockwave in financial markets (most likely is the markets that are in correlation with the FTSE)
AEXdutch25FTSEftse100netherlandsUK100 CFD
