Jan 26th vs April 28th
Jan 26
Shares on loan: 58 Million
DTC (2 WEEK): 0.28
Utilization: 95.52%
Cost to Borrow: 4.90 %
% Free Float on Loan: 18.79%
Short Interest % of Free Float: 13.96%
April 28th
Shares on loan: 155.15 Million
DTC (2 WEEK): 3.73
Utilization: 100%
Cost to Borrow: 13.25 %
% Free Float on Loan: 37.15%
Short Interest % of Free Float: 24.06%
The squeeze is inevitable just hold on we're going to the moon! Stay frosty my fellow apes and apettes 🍌🦍🍿🚀🌙.
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