PLEASE READ FULL: Goodmorning, Have a profitable day WATCHLIST: HOW TO TRADE : 1. SIGNAL: When 5MIN candle crosses PY day Resistance 2. ENTRY: When5 MIN candle breaks high of signal candle(Should break within 30 mins) 3.TARGET:1:3 OR Nearest Resistance(Try to book half holdings at 1:1) 4.SL:Signal Candle Low NOTE :All Are Bullish Stocks NOTE :Some reversals can be seen from resistance. Can trade with good risk management. NOTE: This is just for learning ,I am not responsible for gains and losses. NOTE: If interested ,always look on profile for updates.
DATE AND TIME : 06/MAY/2024 8 36 AM Indian Time
Only GUJARAT GAS LTD broke py day resistance. You can still tade these stocks except GUJGASLTD(triggered) with py day of triggering day resistance.
ITC broke py day resistance and gave profit .Market was red.