ASX200 set for a 160 point drop MINIMUM

This chart is a little confusing but I'm attempting to show two sets of evidence that build the case for a drop in the ASX200 of 160 points to the support of ~5368 as a minimum movement.

The first set of information includes the blue arrows and the black resistance line at 58 points above the zero line on the MACD signal chart and the green text boxes. We can see that each time the blue MACD MA, hits the resistance line, reaches a peak and starts to drop, it was followed by a 160 point minimum. You can't see it correctly, and in this chart, the price feed is a little delayed, but just in the last few days, the blue MACD line has indeed peaked and has just started to roll over.

The second set of signals is represents my natural human instinct to determine patterns. This short signal is represented by the yellow ellipses and the blue A letters. What I'm seeing is a repetition of the price movement that occurred this time last year. Both yellow ellipses demonstrate similar price and MACD movements. Following the price movement in the yellow ellipse in Oct 2013, the price dropped by almost 300 points to the previous low (after immediately and quickly rising), destroying all the short position taken up by speculators . The question begs, will the same type of movement happen again and will the price drop to the previous low after a rapid price increase? The MA movement in the MACD chart is repeating itself as evidenced by the letter A.

The Australian economy is not firing all cylinders and there is a lot of talk about an Australian recession in 2015. There are a number of reasons for this which I won't go into now including Australia's main export Iron ore selling very cheaply as China's property market faces serious challenges. However, as we can see, the ASX is very close to record highs. This does not make any sense. The ASX200 highs are probably following the lead of the US markets, however it does not represent the the fundamentals of the Australian market. With the Australian dollar at historically high levels, I predict a correction in the ASX.
ASXasx200AXJOUSD (US Dollar)

