More Technical Positives for BABA

Historically when the Vortex Indicator reaches this level, the stock moves at least 1% higher over the next few weeks. This chart depicts multiple levels of interest over the next few months.

In the current MACRO trend channel, it took BABA about 64 trading days to go from the top of the channel to the bottom (Nov 15-Feb 16) in a move that lost 31.44%. This same top to bottom was recently repeated in 60 trading days and only 21.72% was shed.

After the 2016 drop, BABA moved bottom to a top in about 49 trading days which gained 37.96%. My longer term outlook is for something similar to occur. [u]IF[/u] BABA breaks above its current down trend channel, upward movement could continue toward 109.23 around March 1.

For now my conservative play is a move to at least 96.00 over the next few weeks. World events could keep BABA in the current down trend channel for a much longer period of time. Of interest is a potential selloff after DJY0 reaches 20K and/or the swearing in of President Trump which brings to fruition some international policies. Trump could stir up tariffs, embargos, or other vital trade implications especially with China that could weaken some of BABA's international imports and exports.

Bottom line, look for BABA to move to 96.00, and then 109.00 once the current MICRO trend is broken upward.
2percentgainBABACALLlimitlesslifeskillsLONGlowfailsolutionsoptionsParallel Channel
All forecasts are based on analysis of past behavior. Prior movements are not always indicative of future movement. Develop the theory, test the theory. Do your own research. Nothing in this analysis constitutes advice. YouTube For More. Good luck!!
