On Monday, BankNifty opened on a negative note, hitting a low of 53326.40 before rallying to a high of 53779.10. However, it couldn’t surpass Friday's high, facing resistance once again from the Weekly Supply Zone. It closed at 53407.75, losing 101 points. Both the Weekly Trend (50 SMA) and Daily Trend (50 SMA) remain positive, indicating a bullish undertone.
Demand/Support Zones
Near Demand/Support Zone (15m): 52850.35 - 53038.60
Near Demand/Support Zone (75m): 52563.20 - 52780.90
Far Demand/Support Zone (125m): 51693.95 - 51906.90
Far Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 49787.10 - 50983.50
Supply/Resistance Zones
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (Weekly): 53741.40 - 54467.35 (Tested)