
#Bitcoin Stock to Flow "Out of this World" A leading Indicator

This is incredible what is going on with the stock to flow ratio. A massive indication for the bulls.

Lets look and how we can analysis this by looking back.

Ive roughly circled in red around July 2016 that the STF had spiked it's largest in history in that time around the bottoming of the bitcoin price.
Then in August 2017 Larger again but this time 4 weeks before we had that parabolic move to $19500. Come November 2018 another historical high (STF) 2 weeks before we bottomed and went on that run to $13600 in july 2019.

But the current Stock to Flow is enormous.

The chart price where the STF PEAKED!!

December 2012 STF $229 - Bitcoin price $1100 1 year later
August 2017 STF $10597 - Bitcoin price $19500 4 months later
November 2018 STF $12100 -Bitcoin price $13600 7 months later
Current STF $328000 - Bitcoin Price ?????

