
Stairs or the Lift?

There has been a little tweaking to decision boxes as of yesterday. Decision Box 1 (previous forecast’s Green Target 1), has been reached but the route forward is not certain – as to be expected, as Money Man is trading after all. Decision Box 1 has now increased in size and Decision Box 2 is taking the decisions made yesterday into account. The targets are still, more or less, the same.

Forecast: Decision Box 1 needs some intentional knocking to keep momentum up as it has been putting out a facade of importance. Decision Box 2 is still within the realms of a retest of the down trend but will cause consternation and possible “taking the lift down”. Very important to me: Please like if you appreciate the effort, Please comment to add your voice or convey, Please follow if you think this is leading somewhere you would like to know about.
The previous contribution.
Liquidity Refreshments
The next forecast.
The Unnoticed Squeeze

