
What is Bitcoin's Long Term Pattern?

This idea is made for educational/long term investing purposes.
It tries to prove that #BTCUSD , on the log_10 chart, is following a similar pattern to the to graph produced by the y=Log_e (x) +1 function.

The gray lines are the support resistance lines with their angle lines on the side. The purple lines are constructing a potential trading zone.

With light blue I have highlighted the the bull markets, with red the bear markets, with orange the consolidation and last with green the time you need to get back to your money assuming that you bought at the pick.

Now y=Log_e (x) +1 function rises quickly at the beginning and then it gradually slows down. From this chart it is obvious that btcusd is following this pattern. The bull markets are getting longer in time and lower in ROI. Similar pattern appears to be developing with the bear markets and consolidations.

Also from an Elliott Wave theory perspective and in a macro level it looks that we have completed an impulse wave and we are already in the correction. According to that, we should expect an extra long bear market + consolidation period

