

With so much bear talk in the market at the moment I thought it would be timely to illustrate how recent price movements, when correlated historically against time frames of previous price bubbles, are perhaps more bullish than ever.

It has come to my attention that those viewing this chart on low resolution monitors or mobile devices are not able to see this study across all 3 bubble formations. If this is the case please press the minus button (-) at the bottom of this chart, just above the time line, to zoom out to see all the detail. If this doesn't work, you can also try dragging the chart around with your mouse.

My primary objective with this chart is to display the coincidence on the 2 previous bubbles each having their technical bottom formations at exactly the half way mark between the corresponding bubbles 'Peak' & consequent 'Base Camp' just before starting the parabolic climb that signifies the beginning of the following bubble. When I apply this same formula to study the current bubble formation we are now trading in, I calculate it will be time to leave base camp to begin our long parabolic climb to the next peak on August 20th 2014.
