15,966 and 42 cents: Bitcoin key level or 14,63x possible

Plotted are two separate fib series, both of the "Golden" type.
"Genesis fib" which has caught every major turn since 2015.
"9k Parabola" has defined the growth of this bull run of 2020.

Every "Strand" from either Fib has been a landmark level.
Confluence of strands adds to the "Gravity" of that zone.
Gravity can sharply reflect the wave, or "Capture" into orbit.

My TV collection of ideas detailing the Methodology:
Chapter 1: Introduction and numerous Examples
Chapter 2: Detailed views and Wave Analysis
Chapter 3: The Dreaded 9.618: Murderer of Moves
Chapter 4: Impulse Redux: Return to Birth place
Chapter 5: Golden Growth: Parabolic Expansions
Chapter 6: Give me a ping Vasili: one Ping only

Zoomed in (5 min) 快照 currently in "Oribit" around that fib at 15966.
After a few orbits, it could "sling shot" in either direction.
Sometimes the elliptical orbits can give clues, such as if the lower waves reach deeper than the waves above, then it is more likely to exit downwards (and vice versa)

Here we are again, in Orbit 快照 no doubt that is an important level.
Now the whole world sees the relevance, even if unaware of the fib.
And that is how fibs get MORE accurate with time.


15966 and 42 cents, Indeed!

"High Gravity" fibs often "capture" the price in "orbit" around them:
And at some point the "Escape Velocity" is achieved.


Escape Velocity and Momentum were enough to get past a Genesis Fib:
16,482.41 the exact top of last push.


However, Genesis fibs have even more Gravity so a revisit is plausible
Which would make for a prefect wave 4.
w2 was slow and deep, so w1 should be fast and shallow.


Ideal wave 5 target would be the next Genesis Fib
Which would put us at 17,389 to 17.474 local fib.
Which would make for a spike, tripping over 17k bear stops.

Lets see how wave 4 develops, if that is what we are in right now.
It is possible all 5 waves are done, or that wave 3 is NOT done.
So the best we can do is watch the behavior at each line for clues.


FibonacciSupport and Resistance
the Golden Ratio is my Religion
the Trading View is my Nation
the Moderator Tag is my Flag