

I don't think this will happen.
No decent traders are calling for this on this timeframe.
Bitcoin buzz is a thing of 2017.
Sentiment is rekt.
Bear market.
Same pattern as 2014.
BCH is new BTC.
Vinny tried to stop this.

But what if everyone is wrong? I have become obsessed with studying contrarian psychology of late, and feel it's so applicable in this space. Go take a look at r/btc. Posts reads as if lightning failing is as certain as the sun rising each day. Even if they are eventually right, it's madness to be so binary. Generally, in crypto, the more steadfast people have been about things, the more rekt they have become. Be like water :)

I'm going to Everest in April so I'll be as close to the moon as I can be without being airborne. Would be fitting ;)

Interestingly, inside the red bars where we are now has seen a lot of buying over the last 5 months. Not random imo. Buyers in this zone.

Most likely btc path is just chop and gross swings for a long time, so go enjoy your moneys you made last year :D.

