
Are we at the beginning of another "Bitcoin Parabola"?

There has been so much uncertainty, chaos and dramatic change in the market over the past couple of years. Uncertainty and Chaos are beginning to feel like the new normal. With that being said, I believe the fast pace development and change has only just begun. The amount of explosive growth we are about to see will take a lot of people by surprise. If you've been dragging your heels on anything it's time to pick up your feet and get going. Whether it be educating yourself, or maybe managing your money better, or maybe it's something more along the lines of improving a relationship that you're in. There is no more time to procrastinate. Whatever can be fixed, fix it. Whatever you can improve on, improve on it. Stop telling yourself that you'll do it next time or that you can get it done on a later date. Just get it done now.. A wise teacher of mine once told me, every act of procrastination is an act of self harm.
- End Rant

Great Advice don't ya think? Hopefully, actually writing it down will help it solidify into my conscience.

