
The FeD new strategy.

TheBitcoinGeneration 已更新   
As equities and crypto are bludgeoned to death in 2022. It is becoming increasingly clear the intention of the Fed; contrary to its speeches, is not, to cause a soft landing for the economy. In order to effectively counter the East the West will need a financial Bazooka to re-structure manufacturing as well as commodity markets.

From this perspective, looking at event, pa and a number of indexes. It is my analysis that the FED will exceed its rate guidance throughout 2022, as to justify a level of economic stimulus currently unfathomable. Given the time constraints imposed by the conflict in Ukraine (Commodities) aswell as Chinese un-willingness to lift Covid Restrictions and popular inflationary and access to debt popular displeasure. The FED finds itself racing to "Break" the economy. Only to re-build it from the ground up starting December 2022. The level of stimulus and economic public spending will be nothing short of a Mega-Project, grounded in a need for Re-shoring the industry and securing commodities.

Bitcoin will go nothing short of Parabolic in Q4 2022-Q1 2025

Long for financial freedom, we are all at risk of begging for industry factory line jobs by the end of this economic squeeze that 2022 is and will remain being.

I am not a financial advisor.

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