
Blackbox buy signal Bitcoin/USD

Buy signal generated for BTCUSD at 7323. The Blackbox algorithm has a 50% chance of winning with a risk-to-reward ratio of 1:5 or better based on historical results in 100 coins and more than 400 historical signals.

The algorithm has had 16 previous buy signals specific to BTC/USD since 2013 with 12 winners and 5 losers. The Average win is 69% and average loss 5%.

The Blackbox is derived from 15 years experience from institutional trading in currency and futures trading and tweaked to harness the volability of cryptocurrencies. The algorithm is a proprietary, rule-based algorithm that generates buying and selling signals in cryptocurrencies for institutional finance and professional investors.

Exit signal will be posted by noon UCT time the day of exit. The average trade is 32 days.

Pre-register for access to trading signals at nordiccrypto.com
algorithmBTCUSDbuysignalCryptocurrencyTrend Analysis
