
BITCOIN - Futures Trading Using AriasWave - Wave B Update.

So far we have seen a 60% retracement back to the upside.

Now we are seeing a move down which will start to provide clues as to what type of pattern will occur.

This means that if Wave (B) didn't complete and we are still yet to see waves within a Wave (B) we will watch for clues.

At this point there is not much else to say apart from keep observing to see what happens next.

I do not expect price to go back up above the 60% retracement area but if it does then it will be limited to staying beneath the start of the initial move down for Wave (A) for this Wave B down.

Below I have linked yesterdays video in cased you missed it.

That video marks the start of this trade and I will be tracking it the whole way through.

Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.

If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research instead of just following the crowd?

Just remember: I am not a financial adviser, I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.

