
Daily forecast. Machine learning.

Daily forecast for BTC (BITFINEX) MIN and MAX of the day based on machine learning tools.
Today we have an unusual prediction.
Several new parameters have been added to the basic model. These parameters should reduce the spread of the forecast.
Models are waiting for a big green candle.
Well, let's see what will come of it and which model will be more accurate.

Yesterday's forecast "Close" was much better than the previous one. Today both models predict "Close" at the level of 8790 - 8910.
Red rectangles in the upper part indicate an area where, according to the forecast, the daily maximum will be located.
The green rectangles at the bottom indicate an area where, according to the forecast, the daily minimum will be located.

Rectangles allocated by faces have a similar meaning, but they are the result of the forecast of the second model.

Two squares at the end of the day - the forecast "Close" of the day.
Also: two colors - two models.

