
A fool and his money are easily parted

USO suckers already threw most of their money at us in bulk, but it still slowly continues.
The way it works the trend is sort of guarenteed. Only an absolute moron would go against it.
Not a registered financial advisor. Just my personal opinion and a trade I am considering taking.
Always on the lookout for trades that last 2 to 8 years.

As you can see Oil is in big backwardation (-20%):

Commodity ETFS are complete scams, it's so bad that the smart ones, their smartest users, are day gamblers.
Because they eat the least of the losses over time.

A troll analyst on fxstreet does some EW nonsense and predicts the USO scams goes up.
Others wrote about it. Good. This ensures the troll ETF gets a constant supply of idiots.

Robintrack is dead, but USO volume now that it's not even tagged to Oil (this is the risk, if oil goes down will it?), it has even more volume than before.
Pros in my opinion left, and only idiots are left. Before seriously considering this trade, I would read their asset allocation (how much exposure to oil)?

The idiocracy example is overused for a good reason. USO or not doesn't matter.
We have a very large and constant supply of idiots, there's bound to be other violent slaughters (130% in 2 months).
Backwardation is nice too, makes it easier to buy an Oil contract far away, better odds better reward.

Plenty of idiots, as well as plenty of other ETFS, which all go to zero just pick one.

The democratisation of "investing" and the absolute state of the global intelligence means this is only going to get better.
Crypto, USO, GME... Did I miss something? Anyway these free money events are only getting started.
Litteral free money zero risk for anyone that pays attention and has half a brain.

Not an advisor but when you have a guarenteed stop that is cheaper than the interest you get over the daily break... Sorry I don't see the risk.
When you have a crypto that sends in 1 minute and the price on 1 exchange is 30% higher than another one and absolute retards are buying, not only buying but getting angry at the broker for lagging and not letting them buy at a 30% premium, sorry but I think I can call this risk free easy money. My personal opinion.

It's almost sad... All this try hard, slow grind, and whiny creatures that keep crying, fighting, and voting to get more money, to all see it end up like a fart in the wind.

Perhaps some lazy useless bums will get lucky and take advantage of this kind of events?
But my heart warms up knowing that 99% of lazy bums just get rekt.
And the few ones that get lucky, most of the time end up giving it back and more.

Gachigasm the leveraged ETFS are even better!

Not sure now is the time to long the pair though...

So the plan for me is simply to be on the prowl, wait for the next big thing that attracts dumb money, the dumber the better.
Each point in IQ removed is 1% return gained, something like that.

This is like smurfing. Who doesn't love to pwn nubs?

