Curve Dao has a market cap of $509 Million and is ranked 134th in the cryptoverse. It has recently observed a gain of 134% in the volume with a VM ratio of 0.2. CRV token price is currently trading near the value of $0.4119 with a drop of 10% in the intraday session.
CRV token price is forming bullish engulfing candles on the daily chart. It is trading below the 50 and 100 EMA on the daily chart. The downside trend of CRV token price can see a support near the value of $0.35. Meanwhile, the upside trend of the asset price can see a halt near $0.5
The RSI of CRV is near 36 with a negative slope suggesting its presence in the oversold zone. The overall sentiment of the RSI is bearish in nature.