tip: how care about privacy !! analysis of dash... DASHUSD!

What Is a 🌟dash🌟?
Since late December 2016, when Bitcoin crossed the $ 1,000 mark, crazy investments in cryptocurrencies have begun.
The Dash project was launched on January 18, 2014 by a team led by Ivan Dofield.
The dark web space is imbued with such these privacy cryptocurrencies such as dash ,zcash , monero &.. !!
Dash was originally known as Xcoin. In February 2014, the project was renamed Darkcoin, and then on March 25, 2015, the final name of Dash was chosen.
Using blockchain technology, the world's first decentralized currency, bitcoin, was created. But Bitcoin had its drawbacks, which are not entirely unknown. This means that the transactions and the amount of assets of a bitcoin address can be tracked.
To solve this problem, many developers have introduced their digital currencies to users, known as anonymous or persistent digital currencies.

One of the most famous and powerful cryptocurrencies to follow is the Dash , which has other great features besides its great privacy.
Dash developers claim that this is a kind of decentralized and peer-to-peer electronic cash. Their goal is for Dash to be able to circulate like real cash such as dollars, euros and so on.

Dash is based on the core Bitcoin code with new features (such as privacy and cheap and fast transactions).

Like Bitcoin, Dash is open source and uses blockchain. Dash are also stored in wallet software or hardware. The main difference between Dash and Bitcoin is that Dash transactions are faster and cheaper, Dash extraction is slightly different from Bitcoin, and it is also possible to create anonymous transactions on Dash.
❇️Quick Technical analysis

The $85 to $113 range is one DASH has been trading in since late November. A breakout past the upper boundary over the past few weeks reached a target of $150 for DASH.
DASH did even better and saw a candlewick as high as the level of resistance at $163.
The 21 and 55-period moving averages (red and yellow respectively) were well below the price, highlight the strength of the recent surge.
A pullback will definitely occur but it wasn’t clear whether DASH had formed a swing high or whether there is more gas in its tank. A move beneath $138 is likely to see $100 tested, but this pullback doesn’t look to be imminent.
In the weekly timeframe, by observing the appropriate stop-loss , as indicated in the chart, we can imagine long-term and amazing goals for it.
👉This analysis is my personal opinion and you are responsible for your own trades or invests.
❤️with Best Regards and successful trades.

