Daily analysis and trade setups on DAX Ger30 20220721

Mega zone Brown B is in play today

Price action may remain in a tight range around 13300 till ECB decision at 12:15

Outlook still remains cautious bullish with Gandalf Line at 13600

Buy levels:
Reversals >> 13200, 13050, 12970, 12920
B/O >> 13300, 13460, 13600

Sell levels
Reversals >> 13850, 13600, 13470, 13300
B/O >> 13190, 13040, 12930

Detailed Chart >>

DAX Indexdax30de30GERMANY 30GER30 CFDgermany30longsetupPivot PointsshortsetupSupply and DemandSupport and Resistance
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