ARIASWAVE - Price Action is The BEST Indicator, NOT Fundamentals

Fundamentals are what economists use to forecast and predict the future and this is why most economists suffer from recency bias and tend to extrapolate into the future.

Yet I keep reading the disclaimer that past performance is not indicative of future results.

So why do we have a situation where people believe what the FED or the mainstream media have to say?

If professional economists continue to get it wrong then how can anyone take these people seriously?

When I created AriasWave many years ago I knew that there was a problem with how people get their investing advice.

AriasWave is not a financial advising service but it certainly does allow you to make your own decisions based on your on analysis because we live in a world of fake news and misinformation.

People are like lemmings, they will literally follow each other off the financial cliff.

My job here is to make you think about finding a way to put that control back in your own hands.

I am always inclined to trust the WAVES because they are the one true gauge as to what the collective is really thinking.

Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.

If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research[b/] instead of just following the crowd?

Just remember: I am not a financial advisor, I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.
