The stage has now been set. We are still missing some of our actors. Yet, the show must go on.
26951 - Ceiling for 2019 21712 - Floor for 2019
From 2010 to the end of 2017 the average monthly range (High to Low) was between 700 - 1000 points a month for the Dow.
December 2018 did 4267 points January 2019 did 2471 points
February will have a spread in the neighborhood of 1800 points.
I going to give Feb +/- 900 from open on 2/1
I will make an ass out of myself and assume we see no higher than 25900 and no lower than 24100 as we start to settle the market back down from the final quarter of 2018. Part of this "calm" will come from the Fed demonstrating "Patience" regarding rates. But we aren't out of the woods yet. As a matter of fact, we still have some wolves circling us that would like to see DOW 18000.
So, be cautious out there and have a safe February. a side note...for those who do read/follow. As you know, I don't spam you with uneventful trash, so basically not hearing from me for a couple of weeks is nothing new. I am travelling from mid Feb into mid March. I am not sure how my internet connection will be at the end of February, so this type of post maybe delayed. I apologize in advance.