What stocks to buy ?

I think this is an Asian culture , not sure if our friends in the West feel the same way. Followers and friends in other parts of Asia like Thailand, Malaysia, HK, China and of course , Singapore have confided to me the stress that parents feel on each weekend.

No, not fretting over where to go for vacation (who has the mood these days with lockdown and heightened alert )but parents are busy ferrying their kids from one enrichment program to another. Name it and they have it ; from fencing to swimming to ballad class, language to coding, the list goes on.

How much is too much and are parents over feeding their kids with too much enrichment ? I think it is tough to answer this questions as each parent holds different values in their child upbringing.

But, indeed these are the pain points of the parents and collectively, it forms such a huge demand that companies like this New Oriental are raking in billions of dollars in China. Now, we are witnessing a 70% drop from its peak at 20 dollars to the current price of 6.40. I expect it to head south towards the support at 5.08.

Read the latest article here

I am not buying but merely watching as China is on a roll to clean up many industries especially the tech sectors.

