标普500 E-mini期货

looks double toppy

Still hanging around the confluence levels from a month ago. I have short inclinations, but do what you want. The cannibals have ignored the real economic situation since february. Who says they cant disgrace themselves more. The fall down will be devastating. This isn't ta its FA. Previous lines were just analyzing the trajectory. I dont have much faith in my TA skills.

No one likes cheats. But this market is entirely "illegal" manipulation wise, structurally. There is no safety net. When you manipulate markets you create devastation. corner the apple market, shutter competition, price apples at $20 each. Floozies and morons run around in circles with their individual $20 apples. No one gets apple pie. No one gets apple cider. No one gets apple cider vinegar. To expensive. Run an apple market like that for a few years. Apple pie recipies are forgotten. Professions destroyed. and the apple cornerers have warehouses full of rotten apples.

I dont think I could get more disgusted by the situation. I dont feel anything toward the markets now. What is one to do while watching Babylon. At first you say God wont allow this (100% accurate), it's unatural. They keep building. You take out insurance against it. They suck up your premiums. You lose all your money, go into the wilderness and God pulls you back into civilization to keep watching. Now I just watch. small pennies to short with VERY selectively. If they want my pennies, they can have them. They are spending many thousands for my pennies. Makes me feel good.

Waiting for God to smite their language. Babel Babel Babel.

The pain and blood created by this market for simple people is incredible. This market is the virus.

I haven't talked to my mother in 2 years. I am grateful to the manipulators and morons for letting me know my mother still loves me. For that I am grateful. Life is a winding path. good turns to bad; bad turns to good. All we can do is trust and be humble.

Bond market says desolation. Eurodollar futures market says desolation. Company profits say desolation. CCP says desolation. Experienced traders are having mental breakdowns. Gamma squeeze burns away the scaffolding. For some reason God wants me to watch.

Cant wait to get back to the mountains... Just waiting on my body to heal and rainy season over. There is true beauty out there.

I just want to become a good man. Not a "nice" man. I want to be a good man. THAT is my goal.
Sodam and Gammorah was disgraceful in the eyes of God, not because of sexual acts, or anything that is usually promoted. It was disgraceful because with the wealth of those cities, they ignored the needs of the widow and the defenseless.

