
ETH Clear Downtrend

Each bounce off the bottom trendline has produced a rally of diminishing returns. I am expecting a short lived rally to the 50 DMA (orange on chart). we will likely retest some low and get some real doubt in the markets, I am excited for an opportunity to correct some of the mistakes from the last crypto bear market. I will be buying the lows even if ETH dips lower and cost averaging in, with a goal of having enough ETH to run several validators after the Merge takes place. This should supply me with enough income in a few years to live comfortably. Additionally, I am building my company on ETH and believe in the long term prospects of this technology, and have been learning how to use Solidity and Typescript/JS as well. I actually enjoy these prices because it clear out all the people who just waltz in and start yelling, I am building real products and those fools who have left the market makes it way easier to get my message out without having to compete with their algos/click bait BS.
