
FTSSF- Relief Coming??!!??

Well I have been getting hit hard with this stock diving 70%+. Thankfully my position has been small, and just grabbing small lots on the way down. Today may have shown the greatest sign of a reversal from a TA aspect. For any of you home gamers who have tracked this stock know about their acquisition of U.S. Cobalt a few months back, and this deal was done in an all stock deal. Now that the acquisition deal is done, and the shares have been disbursed I feel now we have seen the end of the share dumping apocalypse. This company has real potential because with buying the mining rights in Idaho (US Cobalt deal), they can be considered more of an American company. So after the material is mined it is delivered to a Plant in Canada refine it, and the CEO has stated that they want to find U.S. customers. With Elon Musk coming out and saying they are trying to make their batteries without Cobalt....well...doesn't help as you may imagine. The fact is Cobalt is a perfect material for batteries, and just because there is a more readily available supply of Lithium doesn't make it a better alternative. IMO

