
Is your ship SINKING?

1.77000 was a key monthly level, and also a lovely round number so i had an order set here and the bears pushed price down to this level perfectly before bulls took over pushing price up 700 pips! My target zone is 1.88000 as you can see on the chart, again this is just another key level at a lovely round number.

Who said trading has to be hard? That's rite the people who want you to fail say it, the people who cant be bothered to put the hard work in! The people who will always be stuck in a dead-end job! The people who want you to think trading is hard so you pay for there help! So many people out there that you just need to block out and cut off as they are only dragging you down with them. I got rid of so mant toxic people in my life and as a result of this my quality of life improved and so did my trading. Sometimes you have to throw a few heavy things overboard on a sinking ship to keep it afloat.

If you would like any help trading then send me a message and i will be happy to help :)

Lots Of Love Laura x

