I've been studying for several months and only as recent December did I truly start down the NNFx path. As of the writing of this Idea I am up 3% this month in my Oanda Demo account.
One of the more important things that I like is the RIsk and Money management. I trade all 28 currency pairs. Since I am starting out I will often trade some of the same currency while risking less.
Psychology is definitely bigger than I thought and look forward to trading real money with real implications.
So far I am a big fan of the Schaff Trend Cycle as a C1, KAMA as a C2, Kijun-Sen as my Baseline, and Wadda Attar Explosion as my volume indicator.
The biggest thing I am looking for is a good EXIT indicator. I have been relying on the Schaff Trend Cycle to alert me of changes in trend.
I want to hone in on "Winning by not losing" and being truly ruthless on the rules I set for Entry and Exit.
All of the indicators have been backtested at least 2 years.
It's been a fun start.