
HOLD LONG (Triangle Breakouts, amongst favorable data)

HOLDING LONG, continuing with last idea's reasons, this time showing LT consolidating triangle and ST consolidating triangle (as the last dip did not go to the LT triangle bottom).

Aiming for:

1) 4/2 high of 173.1 (.5 of the distance from the last rise)
2) 3/7 high of 173.5 (.618 of the distance from the last rise)

Interesting they happened at around the start of every month. I think I read an article somewhere about how JPY does something like this on a monthly basis (need to find it again), as if it's done on purpose to help with export purchases at the start of the month - need to find that article.

Ultimately, aiming for Dankse's public disclosure 174.45 (they revised their TP stop last night), which is about the same distance of the last rise from 4/14 to 4/21.

USD didn't come out with good GDP and our unemployment claims rose. GBP may be overheated, but their economic data seems good and the LT RSI seems to be going strong. TP stop potentially around 172.5. HOLD LONG.

