
update on GBP/NZD position

as you can see, price has gone in our favour.... for now. to be honest I just made this post because I have finally broken out the short term trading mindset. and it has taken me a year to realise this, I spent so many hours looking at videos from traders like " how to get better entries in forex", "winning RSI divergence strategy", "how to use moving average crossover", and each time I would stay up late practicing and after a couple weeks I would change strategy. and the worst part was that I was day trading these strategies which made it even worse. I was going round in circles for months, hoping I find a strategy that FINALLY work, I was ready to try anything. I always seen the forex you tubers trading on the 4hr timeframe - daily timeframe however I was to arrogant to to listen because I came into forex seeking quick profits and was sure it was still out there. but after a 13 months of seeking something that doesn't exist I have gone DIMENSIONS better. it took about 1 month for me to make the transition but I have now left the retail traders mindset.

now, I focus on the long term aspect by focusing on the daily timeframe for my price analysis and entry, I have a 1:10 risk to reward ratio where my stop loss is 100 pips and my take profit is 1000 pips. I have completely removed all indicators and focused on the actual flow and trend of money solely based from the candlesticks, and I FINALLY have a strategy were I trade breakouts which I backtested and works more time than it fails. I'm not saying that I am a profitable trader yet however I can nw confidently say that I am no longer a typical "retail" trader who are easy targets for brokers and course sellers. I'm ready to start my journey. thanks for reading
