
GOLD, gee wiz! . . .

Gold supersized me; but not the 'abolas!

In general : The Gold Jag Leaped past the orange top curve , hesitating. , then jumped to Solid Red . Now the Jag is hovering there, swatting for tomorrow. .

Solid Red has been there, as long as the all three Double Green Curves. Dashed Red also is a long standing curve.

The Addition to the model is the Double Grey, and Big Blue Arch. a new solid orange revealing resistance to a downturn if the price where to 'stabilize' in the blue channel.

11 Jun '19 8:30 local low should have an overarching parabola humg. it did not take. hanging it yields a straight line passing through all the local highs, from then to now: 20 Jun '19 16:30 EST. humm. ( not shown doe to a dislike of market disrupting events )

Previously the Orange Convex Horn was the likely next big market move. ( now it has been faded. ) No! The Jag leaped off the 'natural character' to a new track!

What is left from the Orange lines is a thin grey parabola tracing the unlikely trajectory of rabid profiteering ( like what happened to Platinum and Palladium mid day. ( today )

( my instinct tell me there is some event in Asia driving this demand. I t may be related to banking in china. )

Beware: of the following wild speculation :

I also see DB turning a corner ( some deal somewhere )
If some one who owns loads of gold is asked to "out -in- vest" in DB, ( Spinoff zombie bank ) they may require more valuation of another 'reserve asset' not controlled in Rusia ( palladium )

Gold jag leaped again, The price is sharply over Big Blue Arches. . I guess now its about possible war in the Persian gulf. . . WTI is also climbing . other financial systemic threats as well. there is much angst in this latest price surge. the Celente runaway point is $1440. at this pace next Monday is a real ball breaker. . .

