
Down Jones $INDU 100 Year Mega Trend Bull Market

4 161
Betting against the USA can be bad for your portfolio longer term. Bias is a killer in all time frames. Many would be "smart guys" have debated the end of this mega trend based on their so called understanding of the US debt situation or other "urgent crisis" they are sure is going to bring about the end. All this while being too myopic to zoom out for real context to price and see that all that dribble has been meaningless.

Get all the concerns over political party, geopolitical events, or fiscal worry out of your minds or you will be unable to see the very simple reality in front of you. There is only one entity that is leading this nation & its not a Repubican or a Democrat. The boss in every business I've ever worked in was the one with the money writing checks!! Only entity in the USA doing this is the Federal Reserve our Central Bank. As long as they will keep printing paper real assets will continue to reprice in terms of an ever increasing medium of exchange. Thats about all you need to know so keep it simple and skip the side show on TV.

There are a lot of "experts" & even more opinions out there but very little understanding of how this whole machine really works. K.I.S.S. and remember the trend is your friend don't bet against it no matter the rational you are sold.

