There is an old saying among technicians that the trend is your friend. Obey the trend and it shall not fail you. The tough part is : no one really defined what a trend is and they would usually end the conversation with "that is the million/billion/trillion/gazillion dollar question". There are even more people out there that liked to associate technical analysis as child's play and on the other end of the spectrum super glorified HFT given all the attention with the best brains on planet earth going into programming the machines/codes.
I like to keep things simple and don't over read into things. One might have been holding the map in reverse all the time while searching for the "X". A few simple lines is all you need to clear up the air and point you in the right direction. That being said, all indicators are inherently flawed which lead to many giving up the journey..... (MACD divergence being one of them)