
12086 Weekly breakout

Reason for long
a) Weekly breakout
b) W formation
c) Consolidation breakout
d) continuous qtly result positive

Trading is 10% strategy and 90% psychology
Hence every day, try to note the psychological aspect of trading

Rule 1: expect the uncertainty in trading business.
Rule 2: Think in term of probability
Rule 3: Every moment in market is unique and may not be same as previous structural outcome.
Rule 4: Respect Sl as anything can happen in market
Rule 5: To make money, you dont need to know, what will happen next in each and every trade as we follow the system with risk reward approach.
Rule 6:Outcome of single trade is always random and hence 0.5% risk on single trade plus totality of risk per 100 trades and PL of 100 trades is actual profit and not the loss or gain of any single trade.
Rule 7: Allow your mind in risk-free or care-free state and allow the market decide the outcome.

