MOE: $0.013 | So Cool So Fun So Good So Awesome

highly customizable AI-driven virtual companion that enriches your life
customize it according to your taste wants desire imagination
share it or be selfish keep it to yourself

GOAT first to go viral in the LLLM claude OPUS space
Virtuals first to ship LunaAi commercially to chatters and solcial media trench warriors

this one is taking it to a more personal level

app is cool
documentation is lit and easy to digest

technical: price flat WAREHOUSING STAGE for few in the know or early discovers
upside .. Virtuals $1.3++ Bn valuation
catalyst: Ai Theme Dec to q1 ++ with Meme super multi cycle seasonal play

strategy: buy high do not buy low
new high means higher..
Tier 1 should be in place. still not much coverage or shillers..

