
Long term price prediction

This is my final analysis. At the completian of this mega pattern it could be almost 10 years old. the longest i have ever seen. ive noticed that smaller black swan events dont impact at this scale. but a economic recession does. the previous chart shows me that 8 dollars is the maximum, here the down point is on 4 dollars. both points would lead to arround 1 dollar (recession, 70-80% down). ive added a link to more explenation on this well known pattern. the lower volume closer to the apex seems to be playing out as well.

so when we've had a crazy recession and all sorts of shit in the world, people should be calm and we could build again. nano by then being even more resilliant than now.

see you in 2026!
I know the picture is kinda annoying but if you hover over it you should be able to see it clearly

